Improve Work-Life Balance

Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Work life balance means to manage your personal and professional life altogether. With good health and mind too. Basically, it is a vicious cycle not an achievement. But now a days it’s near to impossible for many working people to have their work life balanced because technology makes workers available at any hour. But still workers have to try to manage their work life and must have time for their families. Here in this article we will share some ways to secure work life balance and its advantages and also disadvantages of unbalanced work life.

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Improve Your Work-Life Balance

  • Time for yourself during work: It is not easy to sit in one place for long hours and work or work in standing position for long hour so try to take small break in between work and have tea or coffee or small walk or some easy stress relieving exercises. This will allow you to have fresh mind all day.
  • Maintain healthy lifestyle: Health is wealth and good health plays an important role to secure a work balance life. An unhealthy life can distract you a lot in wok so it’s better to have healthy lifestyle as it makes you more productive and active.
  • Lunch out with colleagues and friends: If you have some good coworker just go out with them for lunch or order something from outside and have good time while eating. If it is not possible just do lunch at one place of our office. In this way you can have some good time with them and your mood can also freshen up in this way.
  • No work after working hour policy: Try to make it clear first that you cannot work after official hours or on off days and try to follow it. In this way you can get ease from late hours sitting and can have some time to do your personal work too.
  • Child day care facilities: Firms and organizations must have day care facilities for working women whose child is less than 5 years old. Mostly women have to struggle for their child and work life so by this facility working women can achieve career and motherhood at same time and can have balanced work life.

Advantages of work life balance:

  • It can improve your health and lifestyle.
  • It can increase your productivity.
  • It can help you to enjoy your work life.
  • You can get some ‘me’ time.
  • You can help you to make good family relations.

Disadvantages of unbalanced work life:

  • It can increase your work place and home-based conflicts.
  • It can create physical and mental problems.
  • It can decrease your productivity and work engagement.
  • It can increase the feel of dissatisfaction.
  • It can destroy your mood.

Mostly, people think having a good work life is having a good life. But it may not always be the same way. One may face struggle and different situations that could disturb the routine. With this, the chance to spend some quality time after long hours at work might reduce. Having work life balance isn’t that difficult if you set your things based on priority and try to focus to both ends.  Along with good work-life balance, one needs to think of a better life too for better and peaceful life journey.

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