
Serene Lakes to Explore in Swat Valley Pakistan

The beautiful Swat valley, popularly known as East Switzerland, is a delight for tourists and is characteristic of the magnificent natural beauty and rich historical past. Thanks to bustling rivers, waterfalls, winding streams, glacial lakes, pine forests, alpine meadows, snowy peaks of Mankial and Flaksair, fruit-filled orchards, lush green fields, and flower-filled mountain slopes, especially the friendly and cordial Swati people, known for its traditional hospitality.

Explore Swat Pakistan

The Swat Valley is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in the valleys of northern Pakistan. The Swat Valley with Swat River is located in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area and is surrounded by a dense green forest and a huge distribution group of the Hindu Kush occupying 56 different streams and waterfalls. About 315 km from the territory of the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. It is the third-largest city in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province and it has so many lakes to explore and bath yourself in the serenity of the spot.

Mahodand lake

Mahudand Lake is one of the most intriguing and must-visit places of Swat and is situated in Usho Valley of Kalam. The gigantic Hindu Kush peaks present a complete backdrop with green meadows for camping. The best time to visit the lake is of midsummer as it turns frozen in winter and the travelers might confront inconvenience because of road blockage.

Kundol Lake

In the lap of enormous Hindu Kush Mountains, there lies a beautiful lake of Kundol that magnetically attracts thousands of tourists all around the year. The lake is surrounded by snow-capped mountains in the northern Utror Valley, a lush green forest. Visitors enjoy incredible weather in a great place to camp by the lake because of the trees and use the lens to capture the night scene. Additionally, the lake is 9,950 feet above sea level, the best time to visit the lake is summer, where you can fish and sail. In winter, the road leading to the lake is close due to heavy snow.

Spin Khwar Lake

Spin Khwar is a delightful lake covered up in the lap of Karakoram mountains towards the north of Kandol Lake and east of Utror valley at the stature of just about 1100 feet. Spin Khwar Lake has considerable size and profundity and this lake is slightly unexplored because of absence of exposure and prevalence, but holds a mesmerizing beauty which captures tourists with its magical white water. The quiet climate, entrancing quietness, and wonderful scenes never fatigued the eyes and ears of the onlooker. The resonating music of streams, bleating of goats and sheep and the delicate jingling of the chimes in their necks make the spot really charming and entrancing.

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Khapero/Pari Lake

Another lake in the valley of Swat is the Khapero Lake, slightly unknown in the tourist community. Pari Lake is located at the highest altitude approx: 14,442 feet (4,402 m) above sea level, in the mountain ranges of Utror Valley, Kalam, Swat Valley. The name pari or Khapiro is given to this lake because of the belief that this lake is the house of fairies, where they reside and bathe in the pure, cool and clear water of the lake. It is comparatively greater in size and depth than the other lake situated in its vicinity and remains open in the months of July till September. But some nature enthusiasts travel to the lake because of its immense beauty and panoramic views.

Saifullah Lake

In the mesmerizing valley of Kalam, Saifullah Lake is one major source of tourist attraction for Kalam Valley. It lies in the North of Kalam and Mahudand Lake, is famous not only among nature lovers and escapists but also the exotic trout fish hunters. Tourist love to sit in an atmosphere full of amazing views. Also, the best place for trout fishing.

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The valley can be accessed through an un-metaled road from Kalam in a four by four (4×4) vehicle which ends in Mahudand Lake. The road is bumpy and tricky but the surrounding landscapes engrosses you so severely that you wish for more and expect to discover new panoramas. From Mahudand a track up to maximum one hour is leading to Saifullah Lake.

Sadgai Lake

Next on the list of places in Swat Valley, is the Saidgai Lake which is encircled by the immense mountains of Hindu Kush. The huge black mountain forms a fancy view of the beholder. The lake is fed by glacial melt and it is almost at a height of 12000 ft. above the sea above. Saidgai is considered as one of the largest lakes in the area and several adventure loving people swarm the area to discover and explore this spectacular jewel of nature. Clean and unexploited nature accompanies and welcomes you at every step. The shimmering and sparkling water of the lake, and the circular ripples created by the cool gusts of winds in the lake are some of the precious memories which will soothe and revive your senses in moments of solitude eternally.

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