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Dos and Don’ts for a New Parent

To be parents is a great blessing and becoming a parent for the first time is a life changing experience for a couple. Experience of every couple may vary but some things are common for all. Holding baby, feeling warmness of a baby, seeing tiny version of you is something amazing but we all know that blessings comes with great responsibility .So, before the arrival of baby start planning little by little that how would you handle your baby , what you need for baby ,split responsibilities. In every family there are elderly and experienced people for guiding and helping the new parents. But here we are telling some dos and don’ts for new parents which may be useful for them in their journey of parenthood.


  • Learn Basics: parenting requires some learning like how to give bath, feed, and burp or how to swaddle. What to do when baby becomes fussy or cranky or how to change diaper. With few trials you will learn and become a pro in all the tasks.
  • Capture the Moments: I bet that no parent has ever felt sorry for taking too many pictures of their growing baby so try to capture the moment so cherish them as memory in future.
  • Seek Help: if somebody in family is offering help to see your child, bring you food or let you take nap so go for it. Don’t feel guilty for thinking about yourself.
  • Help Each Other: taking care of child is not only a mother’s responsibility but father’s too so divide your work and help each other in the upbringing of your child. Be empathic with each other.


  • Do not over shop: don’t buy unnecessary items or clothes and gadget for babies as babies grow fast and many things won’t be use so it’s better to shop according to the need of baby.
  • Don’t compare: don’t compare yourself or your baby with other; everyone journey is different so don’t be worried if your baby is doing something late or early just be patient.
  • Don’t forget yourself: after becoming a parent, don’t forget that you were a couple too so from your busy schedule take time for your relationship too. Do something which maintains the spark in your relation and keep it lively.
  • Don’t Take Out Your Frustration on Baby: you will find something new every day and sometimes you will be frustrated too due to hectic routine or sleepless night but never take out your frustration on your baby. Never ruin your journey due to frustration. Just try to be calm and positive everything would be fine with time.

Also Read: How To Fight Through Depression

Parenthood is one of the hardest yet rewarding adventures you’ll ever experience in life. And yes, it’s So worth it! Just be supportive to each other in this journey and cherish the little moments. Try your best to be good parents but don’t overburden yourself just keep focusing on your way of parenting. Be flexible just learn and adopt those things which are necessary for your relationship and baby.

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