Mahmood Bhatti Demands Justice From Supreme Court of Pakistan

Mahmood Bhatti, a well-known international fashion designer, has petitioned Pakistan’s Chief Justice to hear his case and call him before the Supreme Court.

Addressing a news conference at his Lahore home with his attorney Adnan Rame “I am considering constructing an orphanage. I own a plot of property along Multan Road. I handed my authorization letter to a top attorney, who then obtained the property in his and his wife’s names “explained Bhatti.

 This attorney has filed twelve fake cases against me. In Pakistan, courts open at 12 a.m. and verdicts are rendered at 12:30 p.m. I was also granted justice, and if constructing an orphanage is a crime, I should be executed for it. He said that I had been dealing with situations for the last year. If I travel to Pakistan with tickets worth millions of rupees and no charges are brought against me, I will donate the same amount to orphans.

The Sessions Court and the High Court have dismissed three charges brought against me. I do not see all attorneys negatively. I ask the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to rule on my cases. If I am incorrect, sentence me to death on Minar Pakistan. Out of fear, my children do not go to Pakistan. If anything were to happen to me, the same attorney and his wife would be held accountable.

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