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FIA Urges Airlines to Improve Visa Checks at Peshawar Airport

In a recent directive, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan has called on airlines to strengthen their visa requirement checks for international passengers at Peshawar Airport. The notice, issued on July 19, 2024, highlights concerns over airlines failing to verify essential travel documents, potentially leading to passenger hardships.

Key points from the FIA’s notice:

  1. Airlines are accused of prioritizing revenue over passenger welfare.
  2. Basic requirements for visit and Umrah visas often go unchecked.
  3. Passengers may face significant financial losses if denied entry.

The FIA outlines four crucial checks airlines should perform:

  • Confirm return tickets
  • Verify paid hotel reservations
  • Ensure sufficient funds for travel expenses
  • Check work visa protector requirements

Deputy Director Nadeem Zafar emphasized the need for airlines to incorporate these checks into their standard operating procedures. This move aims to prevent last-minute passenger offloading and associated financial losses.

The directive underscores the FIA’s commitment to streamlining immigration processes and protecting traveler interests at Peshawar Airport. As this situation develops, passengers are advised to double-check their documentation before travel.

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