Dr. Fehmida Mirza Invites All MPS to Pull Country Out of Economic Crisis

GDA MNA Dr Fehmida Mirza emphasized the need for all lawmakers to come together and think out of a way to get the country out of its ongoing crisis. Former National Assembly Speaker While speaking in the National Assembly to the speaker Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said, “The middle class is disappearing, and most edibles, including cooking oil, are imported.”

The GDA MNA claimed that the National Assembly had become ineffective without a strong opposition and all institutions are becoming controversial. Fehmida Mirza had recently been a target of netizens on social media after her pictures streamed on media of her cutting the cake of PPP chairperson and former Benazir Bhutto, birth anniversary along with the NA speaker and Senator Yousaf Raza Gillani.

The GDA MA condemned the insulting remarks by BJP spokesperson against the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and said that the Muslim world must unite and register the protest so that no one dares to commit this shameful act again. She also said that all parliamentarians should be given an in-camera briefing about the government talks with the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).“I assure Dr Fahmida Mirza that any dialogue will be in accordance with the Constitution of Pakistan,” responded Federal Minister Dr Israr Tarin. H said that all parties were invited to the national Security Committee and Parliament where discussions will be made under in-camera sessions.

PPP MNA Syed Agha Rafiullah said that despite of difficult economic situation and economy being at brink of bankruptcy the coalition government decided to take the charge to save the country in drowning into graver economic situation. He complaint about the PTI MNAs drawing salaries but not representing their constituencies fairly. He also pointed out that the current government is trying hard to provide relief to poor and divert effects of PTI’s poor economic policies. He said that PTI without thinking about the interest of Pakistan had signed the “unrealistic and unfavorable” agreement with International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme.

Darshan Punshi PML-N MNA also criticized PTI’s deal with IMF claiming the sufferance of common man is due to PTI’s poor economic policies. He highlighted the issue if water shortage in Sindh and also requested federal and Sindh government to establish technical schools and colleges in the areas of Ghotki. The JUI-F lawmaker, MNA Shahida Akhtar Ali said the import of agricultural products of the country was around $7 billion and there was a need to increase per acre production through modern technology. She described the budget to be good overall good but demanded addition of more vivid policies for downtrodden segments of society.

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“Various areas of Baluchistan are full of natural resources and proper attention should be made for their exploration,” she added. She also stressed on promoting IT sector and tourism a country is lagging behind in these fields.

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