
Amidst Political instability The FIFA Trophy Tour 2022 moves to Lahore

The FIFA trophy Tour 2022 has been relocated to Lahore by the organizers due to political disruption in Islamabad. An official of the FIFA Trophy tour confirmed that only the venue has changed but the dates remain same.

The organizers told that the trophy will arrive in Lahore in June 7, 2022 and it is extraordinary for fans to experience football’s most celebrated prize up so close. The trophy will be accompanied by the former World Cup winner from France, Christian Kerembeu which will come from Uzbekistan and stay in the country for one day.

There would be a welcome ceremony at the airport and afterwards there would be an event for stakeholders and sponsors in the afternoon and later in the evening would be a public concert.

This is the second time that FIFA Trophy is visiting Pakistan. Pakistan had been a destination for this World Cup earlier in 2018 as well.

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