Saudi crown prince pays first visit to Turkey since Khashoggi Case

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince is going to break his international insolation by paying his first visit to Turkey on Wednesday since the murder of Kamal Khashoggi in 2018 in Istanbul consulate.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Edrogon’s talk with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman took place exactly one month earlier than US President Joe Biden’s visit to Ryadh for regionl negotiation focused on energy crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Turkish President Edrogon’s decision to re-establish his ties with one of his biggest opponent is largely driven due to economics and trade because the living standards of Turks are failing when one year is left in general elections which puts Edrogon and his governance in tight spot challenging his rule based on two decades.

After the death of the journalist Khashoggi, President Edrogon’s Islamic-rooted government released all deep details o the ghastly murder that had embarrassed Saudi Crown Prince. Now in the wake of Arab Spring revolts, Turkey is very much interested in central bank assistance and investment from the countries it had opposed on ideological grounds in the past. The Washington Institue’s Turkey specialist Soner Cagapty is of the opinion that it is going to be one of the most significant visit to Ankara by foreign leader in the time period of almost a decade.

“Erdogan is all about Erdogan. He’s all about winning elections and I think he has decided to kind of swallow his pride.”Cagapty also said that Saudi’s are also trying their best to warm up ties for their backing ahead for their possible nuclear agreement with world powers and Saudi’s rival Iran. “I think the Saudi’s are hedging their bets.” Said Soner Cagapty.

Turkey’s reconciliation with Saudia started in April when court gave the decision of transferring the case of Khashoggi’s murder to Riyadh after the missing of 26 suspects who were involved in the killing. US intelligence officials have determined the involvement of Prince Salman in the approvement of plot against Khashoggi which is something Riyadh denies. The court decision has caused an outrage and strong protest by Kashoggi’s fiancée Hatice Cengiz but Edrogon hugged crown prince on his visit to Saudi three weeks later to smooth things out. But the main opposition leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who is chief rival in the residential race showed anger saying that you get off the plane and you hug the killers. “You should be ashamed.”

Ankara expects that two sunni owers will help to boost the Turkish economy at the crucial stage of Edrogon’s rule. A Turkish official said the sides will discuss a range of issues that include cooperation between banks and support for small and medium-size businesses. The consumer prices have doubled in the past year due to Erdogan’d novel economic approach. Analysts reports the subsequent drop in Erdogan’s public endorsement and the consumption of state saves implies the Turkish chief can sick stand to keep up with his threatening position toward the petrodollar-filled Gulf states.

Turkey’s relation with Saudi started breaking when Ankara refused to accept the ouster of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi from Muslim brotherhood in 2017 which other Arab countries saw as a threat. Those contentions strengthened after Turkey attempted to break the almost four-year bar the Saudis and their partners forced on Qatar in 2017.

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“Encouraged by the United States, this rapprochement is relaxing tensions and building diplomacy across the region,” said Gonul Tol, Turkish studies director at the US-based Middle East Institute. She also said that the prince will not easily forget the treatment received by Turkey and in short term there won’t be any improvement in Turkey’s economy.

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