Political Parties Raising Non Issues for Political Gain on Digital Census 2023

The PPP, MQM, and P have been vocal in their criticism of the census conducted in Pakistan. They have accused the government of manipulating the census data to undercount their respective constituencies. According to them, the census results do not reflect the true population and demographic distribution of the country, which could have significant implications for resource allocation and political representation.

The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has been accused of raising non-issues for the sake of it. The party has been demanding action on certain issues that are already being addressed by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). The PBS and MQM both seem to agree on the matter, leading many to question the motives behind MQM’s demands.

According to sources, MQM has been demanding an increase in the time of households surveyed by the PBS, claiming that the current duration is insufficient to provide an accurate representation of the population. However, the PBS has stated that they are already increasing the the time of households surveyed, and that their current methodology is sound.

Despite this, MQM and PPP continues to raise the issue, with some speculating that the party is simply trying to remain relevant in the political sphere. MQM has faced significant setbacks in recent years, with many of its leaders being accused of corruption and other crimes. Some believe that the party is using this issue as a means of regaining public support and relevance.

Critics have also pointed out that MQM’s demands are not grounded in fact, as the PBS has already stated that their methodology is sound and that they are taking steps to address any potential issues. Some have accused MQM of intentionally misleading the public and spreading false information to further their own political agenda.

The situation has led to a heated debate on social media, with many calling for MQM and PPP to drop their demands and focus on more pressing issues facing the country. Others have defended the party, arguing that their concerns are legitimate and that they are simply trying to ensure that the PBS provides accurate data.

Overall, the situation remains unresolved, with both PPP, MQM and the PBS standing firm in their positions. It remains to be seen whether MQM and PPP will continue to push this issue or if they will shift their focus to other matters. However, it is clear that the controversy has sparked a wider discussion about the role of political parties in shaping public discourse and the importance of accurate data in policy-making.

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